• Resolved mazqura


    Dear Sir,

    From 10/3/2022,i am getting following message in each post:

    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/k46324jt06fc/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-block-supports.php on line 94

    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/k46324jt06fc/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-block-supports.php on line 96

    I am not php expart. Pls help me.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter mazqura


    public function apply_block_supports() {
    $block_attributes = self::$block_to_render[‘attrs’];
    $block_type = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered(

    // If no render_callback, assume styles have been previously handled.
    if ( ! $block_type || empty( $block_type ) ) {
    return array();

    Moderator FahimMurshed


    একটু বিস্তারিত লিখবেন? কোথা থেকে কিভাবে এই এরর টা এসেছে এবং কিভাবে বা কি কারনে এটা শো করছে? তবে যতটুকু বুঝতে পেরেছি তা হলো এটা থিম বা প্লাগিন এর কারনে হয়েছে।

    Moderator FahimMurshed


    To fix the problem, please update Wordress to the most recent version.

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