Understand who are your new customers. Check out WooReports for advanced analytics and full report – New, Active, Returning, Churning, Inactive WooCommerce Customers List as well as other interesting reports.
Download to /wp-content/plugins/wooreports-free directory, go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > active the WooReports plugin.
- Installation Instructions
Download to /wp-content/plugins/wooreports-free directory, go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > active the WooReports plugin.
- How are is Number of Orders calculated?
Number of Orders is a count, considering:
a/ post type is in a defined list by WooCommerce (using the function wc_get_order_types( ‘order-count’ ) ); this assures we’re always in-sync with how WooCommerce looks at counting orders.
b/ post status is in a defined list by WooCommerce (using wc_get_order_statuses() ), so pretty much all possible post type status values; same advantages as above.
c/ obviously, it’s broken down by Month, in case it’s a monthly metric or it’s not, in case of Orders All. - How are is Amount Spent calculated?
Amount Spent is a count, considering:
a/ post type is in a defined list by WooCommerce (using the function wc_get_order_types( ‘reports’ ) ); this assures we’re always in-sync with how WooCommerce looks at calculating the amount spent by a customer.
b/ post status is in a defined list, Completed or Processing, ( (‘wc-completed’, ‘wc-processing’) ); this is important to understand as it does not represent just th evalue of the order, it represents the value of an order once the payment has been made, provided that the usual flow of statuses is preserved and the store owner sets the order in status completed or processing once he/she acknoledges the money have been transfered to the store.
c/ obviously, it’s broken down by Month, in case it’s a monthly metric or it’s not, in case of Spent All. - Can I export the data?
Exporting as csv (comma separated values) is available in the Premium edition, together with other valuable customer insights.
- How can I find out which customers are churning, returning, active, inactive?
WooReports Premium offers extended analysis by providing churning, returning, active, inactive customers. Moreover, you can set you threshold at any desired value and define more than 2 current intervals and as many as you like number of previous intervals, needed for the calculation of the other indicator values (churning, returning, etc.)
- How can I stay connected to what’s new?
Subscribing to our newsletter is a good way to do that. We promise we’ll just update you with what we believe as being relevant. Checkout subscription form at the bottom of our page,
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Fixed bug in Customers Behaviour report, when MySQL version is grater than 5.5.5 and is not configured with crypto functions on
Adding Products Affinity
Major redesign of WooReports. Current WordPress Plugin is called WooReports API and will constitute the part of the solution which exposes data to WooReports Dashboard, a hosted service which you can access at
Minor changes for catalog listing.